Discover the best-selling model

A good connection is more necessary than you may think, a proper signal is essential for simply watching a video or playing a videogame, with no outages, something that might be lost if we aren’t near the modem.
But, without a doubt, the most important factor is that we also need to be connected outside the home, especially at work. A bad connection can cause many inconveniences.
The best solution to internet problems
Also, having a good repeater is just as important as having the internet, in order to have a connection in the whole house. This way, with the iBooster amplifier you have a device that will extend and boost your signal throughout your entire home.
This booster shows some huge guarantees as it is the best-selling Wifi booster on the market, which allows you to also have a high speed connection anywhere in your home, avoiding common connectivity issues and also that feeling of desperation and frustration when the connection goes.
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